Diana Croft is a painter and printmaker who specialises in linocuts and collographs inspired by nature and the landscape. The prints are often stylised representations of landscapes particularly the South Downs and have a strong sense of pattern and design. She often uses chine colle techniques (applying layers of handmade tissue to the print) to add an extra dimesion of colour and texture. Because of this technique the prints vary one from another and each one is a unique piece. Recent work has been using three plate collagraphs to produce semi-abstract prints inspired by plants and seedheads.
https://greenwich-printmakers.co.uk/files/gimgs/th-21_The path through the woods- signature.jpg
https://greenwich-printmakers.co.uk/files/gimgs/th-21_Hills and Fields.jpg
https://greenwich-printmakers.co.uk/files/gimgs/th-21_Up and Over -turquoise.jpg
https://greenwich-printmakers.co.uk/files/gimgs/th-21_A Partridge in my Garden.jpg
https://greenwich-printmakers.co.uk/files/gimgs/th-21_Amongst the flowers.jpg
https://greenwich-printmakers.co.uk/files/gimgs/th-21_summer seeds blue orange.jpg
https://greenwich-printmakers.co.uk/files/gimgs/th-21_summer seeds 4.jpg
https://greenwich-printmakers.co.uk/files/gimgs/th-21_Seed dispersal monoprint.jpg
https://greenwich-printmakers.co.uk/files/gimgs/th-21_summer valley.jpg